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Join Our Team of Mandarin Tutors on Skype and Zoom.

We welcome experienced and talented tutors to join our team of Mandarin tutors on Skype and Zoom. All tutors must be native Mandarin speakers. When you contact us, please include the following:

Your experience teaching Mandarin (we also welcome Cantonese tutors - if you can also teach Cantonese, please mention it in your application).
Your level of education (applicants must have already graduated, we do not accept students).
The rate you expect to be paid in US dollars for 50 minutes of teaching (our regular lessons are 50 minutes long). Please include your rate in US dollars in the body of your e-mail and not inside any attachments. Your rate is what you expect to be paid for 50 minutes of teaching, and not the price that the customer pays. Your rate is required as part of your application (your application will not be considered without a rate).
The hours you are available to teach each week.
Any additional information about you is welcome.

Please email your profile/resume in English to info@mandarintutor.com. Kindly note that your rate for a 50 minute lesson is required as a part of your application. Since your rate will influence the price that customers pay for a lesson with you, please submit your most competitive rate (if your rate is too high, meaning your price is also too high, customers will not purchase a lesson with you). In addition, while we read through every application and assess every candidate, because of the volume of applications we get, we only respond to applicants that we are interested in. Should we select your profile, we will contact you for an interview on Skype. Thank you.